
The never ending winter

We had June pass us by and we are only a few warm days into 2024... Sounds like a sad summer. We wouldn't be human if we held our nerve. Still check the weather app every day to see if the shorts or shirt can come out of the closet. And when the time comes, how nice is it to do it with smooth, hairless skin?

Soft hair before the first rays of sunshine

Always be prepared 

We all know that the weather in the Netherlands is as fickle as a wardrobe when the seasons change. So you can often only prepare at the last minute. It doesn't work that way with waxing. You can prepare your skin for a hairless summer before the warm weather arrives. In fact, we recommend that you start before the warm weather arrives!

Did you know that your hair grows in three stages? When you shave, hairs are constantly breaking off, so they continue to grow in different stages. As a result, after a few days of shaving, you can see the hard stubble that we all know and love. Luckily, waxing is different! After waxing three times, your hair will be in the same growth phase. You will notice that they grow back much slower. And the best part? The new hair is wonderfully soft. Stubble is gone and you can have 100% confidence in those shorts or shirts when they finally get out of the closet. Want to learn more about your hair growth cycle? Read the here.

Stop waiting, come by!

Start waxing before the summer heat hits. That way you're not only prepared for those two sunny weeks abroad, but also ready for the (sometimes modest) Dutch summer. Maybe that more frequent waxing will work to manifest sunshine in the Netherlands? We're happy to help you manifest.