
There's a first time for everything

The sun's out and how nice is it to have shiny and smooth skin in the process? Nothing short of wonderful, if you ask us. During the summer months, new clients come to check us out, what fun! But how do you prepare yourself for the first-time waxing?

'Will it hurt? Will my hair be long enough? How can I prepare my skin? How will my skin react?' These are some of the most frequently asked questions from first-time clients. That's why we take you through three simple steps. This will help you feel well prepared for your first wax treatment and totally ready for the sunny weather.


STEP 1, exfoliating

Start by gently exfoliating your skin. It is important to start this as early as possible. Use a natural scrub without perfume or alcohol, such as our Face & Body scrub. For best results, we recommend the following: Apply the scrub to dry skin. Then leave it on for 10 minutes and get in the shower. In the shower, scrub the last remnants off your skin with an exfoliating glove. Voilà, dead skin cells have been removed and you are one step closer to getting ready for your appointment.

STEP 2, no more shaving but grow

Grow, grow & grow! This is the most important step of all. After all, your hairs need to be at least 0.5 cm to wax. Our tip: leave them for at least 4 to 6 weeks. If you don't, you might show up at your appointment and your hairs are still too short, and we won't get the right result. And that would be a shame, right?

STEP 3, no question is too crazy

Last but not least; keep asking questions. Our Customer Support is here to lovingly answer all your questions to take away some of your nerves. We understand it can be exciting, and we want to help you. So don't hesitate to call or email!


Remember, there is a first time for everything! We understand that exposing yourself for the first time is exciting and can feel a little uncomfortable. But don't worry, our Wax Technicans will lovingly help you through it. Our goal is to have you leave the salon feeling groomed and confident. Let's make sure your first time is an unforgettable experience! Will we see you soon?